ExxonMobil to Support IDP Response in Cabo Delgado

ExxonMobil Moçambique, Limitada (EMML), announced today their support of emergency assistance efforts for Internally Displaced Persons in Cabo Delgado. The US$50,000 grant will go towards supporting the Makobo Platform’s “Coração Solidario – Cabo Delgado” campaign.
  • ExxonMobil joins the Coração Solidario – Cabo Delgado Campaign
  • Support benefits up to 20,000 people in IDP Camps In Cabo Delgado

The campaign is designed to coordinate the efforts of civil society in response to developing humanitarian concerns resulting from the ongoing conflict impacting the province. The focus of ExxonMobil’s support will go towards establishing two satellite kitchens capable of distributing up to 20,000 meals per day.

“We are pleased to be working with Makobo and local authorities in assisting the population that has been directly impacted by the conflict,” said Jos Evens, General Manager for ExxonMobil Moçambique, Limitada. “Open dialogue will promote a coordinated and shared approach in order to minimize the stressful challenges on the lives of the impacted population.”

The “Coração Solidario – Cabo Delgado” campaign promoted by Makobo Platform aims to raise awareness of the challenges confronting the IDPs in Cabo Delgado, provide food for the most vulnerable, establish livelihood programs that promote income generation, introduce self-sufficiency mechanisms that mitigate impact to the local economy, and implement a buffer zone that will allow the population to return to their places of origin once security conditions permit

“This support represents the maximum expression of the value of humanity - Building social bridges Together for the Prosperity of all - Solidarity. It is a great honor and privilege to be able to count on the support of ExxonMobil to create alternatives for an immediate and effective response to the needs of our brothers and sisters in Cabo Delgado but, above all, for the commitment that we have been establishing together to create sustainable solutions for the inclusion of all Mozambicans in the economic, social and cultural development processes of our country” affirmed Ruy Santos, Coordinator of Project Makobo, and Director of the Coração Solidario – Cabo Delgado campaign.

About Plataforma Makobo/Coração Solidario-Cabo Delgado

The CORAÇÃO SOLIDÁRIO – CABO DELGADO Mission, is a holistic approach aiming to collaborate on the creation, in the first place, of conditions for effective assistance to displaced families affected by insurgency in Cabo Delgado Province. Based on food support and livelihood initiatives this intervention seeks on supporting them on their gradual economic and social integration in the host communities, and help them to return, as soon as possible, to their communities of origin.

About ExxonMobil

ExxonMobil, one of the largest publicly traded international oil and gas companies in the world, uses technology and innovation to help meet the world’s growing energy needs. In Mozambique, ExxonMobil holds a 25 percent indirect interest in Area 4 and will lead the construction and operation of future natural gas liquefaction facilities. In addition, ExxonMobil was awarded the joint rights to negotiate the Angoche basin (A5-B) and the Zambezi Delta (Z5-C and Z5-D) concessions, as part of Mozambique’s fifth licensing round. For more information, visit us at www.exxonmobil.co.mz or like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/ExxonMobilMocambique